Wednesday, February 3, 2021

A Clearer Perspective -  thanks to all who responded and prayed

Well, our little snowstorm of three days dropped about 31 inches in our area. After writing yesterday's post, I got a phone call from my daughter. She observed that I seemed to be feeling a little down and she said, ‘I tried to think about what you would tell someone else who was feeling the way you were feeling’. Then she said, ‘I realized you would tell them to focus on the things they still could do and not on the things that they didn't have’. So, she used my own lessons to her to encourage me on my outlook for the day. It is nice to have children who are so exceptionally wise and caring. I also appreciated a number of other emails from friends who encouraged me to back off, realize I am not indestructible or indispensable, and to allow others to enjoy blessing us. Thanks for being willing to challenge me. We were close to running out of bread and a neighbor just dropped by with a loaf of homemade bread she had made for us. It is so comforting to see how God supplies for us.

 In the morning our neighbors came over and began clearing our sidewalks driveway and car. I watched from the window for a while but then put on my overalls, jacket, and boots and went outside to express my appreciation. They did a really nice job and since we live on a corner, they did a big job with all the sidewalks, about 150 feet. I spent the time talking to other neighbors and enjoying the fresh air. When all of our stuff was done, I noticed a young couple across the street trying to clear their cars which were majorly plowed under. This is the fellow that had sent me the email asking if we were OK, but he also had recently had shoulder surgery and was wielding his shovel with one hand. I had accidentally gotten my snow blower out of the garage and started it just to do some openings to the street so I went across to give him a hand. Being a nontraditional thinker I came up with an idea to easily extricate his cars and move them into our driveway . This gave us lots of room to work and he just used his shovel to break the snow down and I ran my snow blower back and forth clearing it out. In just two hours we had the whole job done.

After all the days of inactivity this was just the kind of therapy that I needed. My lungs felt great, I was pleasantly exhausted, and enjoyed going inside to rest. It was also nice seeing others help and give of themselves for us. An added little bonus was still being able to help someone else. I had planned to continue my recovery therapy by having a steak for dinner. Someone gifted us with a nice box of them and it seemed like a good time to break one out. Unfortunately I kept forgetting to defrost one. Ultimately Karen made a big pot of curried squash soup which turned out to be just right.

 We are still waiting to have our medical procedures rescheduled. It is disappointing in that while I do not relish more holes being made in me or 44 days of radiation, I would like to get this over with. However, God has redirected the plans several times already and it is exciting to think where He might be taking us next. Karen and I are learning to appreciate the days He gives us and to trust Him for what He will lead us through. Neither she nor I like uncertainties, we would much rather plan and DO. One thing we are gradually coming to trust in is the reality that while there might be momentary unknowns for us, for God, He has no uncertainties and is accomplishing His will in the way that is best and loving for us and according to His infinite perfections.

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